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Gift cards are used as employee incentives in different ways within various industries.

GiftCard Partners serves a large number of incentive and gift card programs, including employee programs like corporate health and wellness programs, workplace safety programs, employee motivation, recognition, benefits and sales incentives, and customer loyalty and rewards programs.

Gift cards are on top of the most wanted list of employee incentives, but how often are their companies listening? And when they do, how did they make incentives successful in their particular industry or work function?

Download this eBook and discover:

  • How corporate is using gift cards

  • Success stories by industry

  • Statistical results by gift card type

  • Employee programs and gift card incentive programs as they are used by industry

  • Our incentive and gift card industry perspectives

  • Research from across the incentive industry, and from incentive professionals within specific industries

 The use of incentives and rewards in wellness programs is constantly evolving. Stay up-to-date and subscribe to our blog today!

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