GiftCard Partners Blog

Top 5 Ways To Keep Employees Motivated with Visa® eReward Cards

Written by GiftCard Partners | 02/21/2023

Employee motivation doesn’t get enough attention. The very essence of success, especially in an organization with large ambitions, is motivation. What strategy do you have in place to keep employees motivated? Without it, employees are likely to lose interest, slow down productivity, and end up with less overall output. Organizational leaders can create recognition programs and use our gift card ideas for employees as we discuss 5 ways to keep employees motivated. 

1. Set Up an Employee of the Month Reward

Try setting up a time bound recognition program such as employee of the month or employee of the year. This will provide you with a consistent structure to regularly reward your best performers. Benefits of setting up regularly scheduled gift card rewards for employees include:

  • Time: It can be time consuming to come up with a rewards program, but using a simple gift card system and maintaining regularly scheduled rewards can save a ton of time.
  • Motivation: Rewarding high performers on a regular basis will ultimately benefit the company as the employee feels more valued for their contributions which may lead to intrinsic motivation and increased effort.
  • Decreased turnover: You can have a positive long-term impact on employees by setting up a consistent reward system, leading to increased loyalty and decreased turnover.

By using one of many gift card ideas for employees to reward individuals in regularly scheduled time intervals, you can increase employee motivation and loyalty. 

2. Reward Employee Feedback

A large NIH study concluded that “feedback can be more effective and less aversive than its past,” and using gift cards for employees is an effective way to incentivize employees to provide it. Read this article to learn more about how to get valuable employee feedback. Some of the benefits of rewarding feedback include:

  • Better feedback and more of it: When employees are incentivized to provide feedback, they will feel more valued and are more likely to provide high-quality feedback
  • Increased motivation: There are many gift card ideas for employees you can choose from to reward feedback. This will let your employees know that their feedback really matters, and this can be a motivating factor for high performers.

Reward feedback using gift cards for employees, and watch employee motivation skyrocket as they feel more valued for their thoughts and contributions. 

3. Reward Excellent Project Completions

Try rewarding individuals and teams for a job well done with an achievement recognition program. If a team or an individual completes a challenging project, take that opportunity to reward them with gift cards to increase overall employee motivation. Imagine the spike in motivation when an employee realizes that their excellent performance will be rewarded with a little something extra. Tips for rewarding excellent project completions include:

  • Create time bound measurable rewards so that employees know what they can gain and how.
  • Set up rewards in regular time intervals as opposed to neglecting it until the end of the year. You can increase your ROI if you can keep employees motivated throughout the year.
  • Use an incentive that any employee can enjoy such as Visa Reward Cards or Visa eReward Cards which can be used online, over the phone, or through mail order anywhere that Visa is accepted.

You can keep employees motivated to complete large and challenging projects by using Visa eReward Cards as incentives. Setting up predictable rewards in regular time intervals can work wonders for employee motivation and the completion of projects in a timely manner. 

4. Reward Sales Achievements

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics there are over 14 million salespeople in the United States. Ensuring that they are satisfied at work and aren’t looking for a new job allows your organization to save money in the long term. Keeping sales people motivated can reduce turnover and eliminate slower productivity. Some ways to motivate sales associates include:

  • Career pathing: Career-pathing is used by employees to chart their course within an organization for their career path and career development. Try career pathing to help employees feel like their work is making a difference for their organization.
  • Contribution: The modern workforce wants more than just financial rewards, they’re also seeking some level of personal fulfillment. Making it clear how the company contributes to the betterment of others can be crucial to motivating sales people.
  • Rewards: The compensation that is already present contractually is not exactly a reward, it’s just what they’re paid to do the job. Include a reward in your recognition program such as the Visa eReward Card for surpassing sales quotas or providing exceptional customer care.

Considering that sales are often considered the heart beat of any organization, it’s well worth it to reward sales achievements with a recognition program and keep employees motivated with a Visa eReward Card.

5. Reward Healthy Choices

A healthy workforce is a healthy workforce. After all, what is motivation without health? Your organization can motivate employees to adopt healthy habits by enticing them with incentives. Reduce healthcare costs, lower health risks, and encourage healthy habits with your employees by incentivizing them with the Visa eReward Card. Some gift card ideas for motivating employees to make healthier choices include:

  • Incentivize gym subscriptions: Instead of merely covering the cost of a gym membership, sprinkle a little something on top and make it a thoroughly satisfying experience for the employee.
  • Decrease stress at work: Talk to employees about their workloads and assess whether they may be taking on too much. This is a simple and costless way to keep employees healthy and thereby more motivated at work.
  • Incentivize doctor visits: Offer employees a reward such as the Visa eReward Card for attending a doctor appointment. The card can be used anywhere Visa is accepted which allows the employee to spend the money at a store of their choice.

It’s hard to be motivated if you’re facing health problems. Incentivizing the adoption of healthy habits can lead to a healthier and more robust workforce that’s motivated to do their best work. 


It’s impossible to achieve organizational success without employee motivation. Using some of these gift card ideas for employees and recognition program recommendations will help you keep employees motivated. The Visa eReward Card is especially convenient for employees to use at a store of their choice.

Issuer Statement: Visa eReward Cards are issued by Pathward, N.A., Member FDIC, pursuant to a license from Visa U.S.A Inc. No Cash or ATM access. Cards can be used in the U.S. and District of Columbia everywhere Visa debit cards are accepted. Terms and Conditions apply. See Cardholder Agreement for details...