GiftCard Partners Blog

Potential Pitfalls of the Daily-Deal

Written by Deborah Merkin | 07/07/2011

Daily deal sites are increasingly popular with consumers across the country, however they are posing increasing problems with the retailers who offer these "too good to be true" deals.  Be careful how your company interacts with daily deal sites so they attract more customers, and don't cost your business too much potential revenue.  For example, if you give gift cards away at a discount is that too much free money? Here are some tips to success in the daily deal arena:

  • Use sparingly: a special deal should be special, don't offer your goods or services constantly, because then it devalues the promotion
  • Comparison shop: shop around different deal sites and see which one lets you keep the most revenue
  • Budget for the worst: walk away if the worst-case scenario could seriously hurt your business
  • Consider alternatives: seriously consider if this is the right move for your business, although this is trendy it might be more practical to buy traditional ad space or promotions
  • Beware the sales pitch: daily deal sites make their deal sound appealing, make sure the deal is as good as it sounds for your business

Have you used a daily deal site? How did it go? Let us know, especially if you used this for gift cards by leaving a comment!   For more information on the
down-sides of daily deal sites, click here