GiftCard Partners Blog

Feedback Motivates Employees

Written by Deborah Merkin | 10/15/2013
We all aim to motivate our employees. Whether we set long term goals, short term goals or just want to utilize small spot rewards. Making sure there is a 360 degree feedback loop helps to clarify communication, make processes easier and motivate employees to the height of efficiency.

Feedback works, both from employer to employee, and the other way around because it makes us feel good. It reassures both managers and employees that their teams have faith and confidence in their work. The more confident employees are, the harder and more efficiently they work. Feedback is an underutilized resource. Not enough employers want to hear about their employees thoughts or needs. This builds animosity and grudges within an organization. When employees are not recognized as essential members of a company, they lose their motivation and drive to make the company a better, more efficient and profitable place. A little employee feedback can go a long way in ensuring your workforce is both confident in their abilities and loyal to 
your organizational mission.
For more information on employee feedback and motivation, check out this article from the Maritz Motivation Blog.