Mastercard® eReward Virtual Account, 12-Month Expiration
Corporate Gift Card Program
The Mastercard® eReward Virtual Account is a convenient and flexible way to recognize employees and encourage customer loyalty.
- Available in open denominations
- Maximum card balances up to $10,000
- Virtual Account may be used online, over the phone or through mail order everywhere debit Mastercard is accepted
- Virtual Account cannot be used to obtain cash from any ATM or Point of Sale transaction
See Cardholder Agreement for details.
Note: International acceptance rates vary by country. eGifter is not responsible if card is not accepted by a merchant outside the United States.
See PDF of Cardholder Agreement
International acceptance rates vary by country. eGifter is not responsible if card is not accepted by a merchant outside the United States.

See PDF of Cardholder Agreement
International acceptance rates vary by country. eGifter is not responsible if card is not accepted by a merchant outside the United States.