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Employee Engagement Improves Customer Experience

Posted, by Deborah Merkin
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Engaged employees are happier, and happy employees make your customers happier. We know high employee engagement is good for margins. A new study from Towers Watson revealed that profit margins for companies with low employee engagement rates were around 10%, but for those with high engagement rates profit margins soared to 27%. What is particularly interesting is that a lot of the increased margin came from improved customer experience. When customers are happy they buy more, and according to
new report from Forrester, happy engaged employees make customers happier. Here are a few easy ways to engage your employees and affect your bottom line.

  1. Create an employment engagement roadmap: Make it clear to employees what efforts the organization is taking to engage employees at work. Attach dates and engagement goals to the roadmap and elicit feedback from your staff. If employees aren't supportive of your program it wont work, so be sure employees are engaged and excited about the program.
  2. Inspire employees by socializing customer centricity: Make customer centricity a priority and a part of your company culture. Reward employees with small tokens like gift cards to popular retailers like The Cheesecake Factory, The Children's Place and The Limited to show appreciation for a job well done. When employees do an outstanding job representing your brand they deserve to be rewarded as well.
  3. Build customer centricity into employee tools and ongoing practices: When training employees, conducting professional development seminars or meeting with employees about goals incorporate customer centricity into the conversation. Making customer centricity a focal point of employee training and development will make it an inextricable part of how they conduct business.

Topics: Customer Engagement, Employee Recognition, Employee Engagement, General Gift Card, Employee Incentives & Rewards

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