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Employee Retention, Found 'Em, Got 'Em, Now Keep 'Em

Posted, by Deborah Merkin
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When a survey shows that 46% of Americans are not certain that they want to stay at their current company, it's no wonder employers are scrambling to find out ways to increase employee retention within their own company. A recent
Korn Ferry study indicated that the secret may lie in the bosses creativity. Employee retention should not be taken lightly. Your employees are the life blood of the company and their loyalty can make or break it.
EBN, Employees Benefit News, gives three tips on how to get your employees to stick around for the long haul.

  1. Empower employees- Less than 60% of American employees indicated they were rewarded for doing a good job.* An acknowledgement of a job well done can be enough to change an employees attitude. Giving an simple reward like a low denomination gift card, a thank you note, or an unexpected free Friday off goes a long way in showing your appreciation and won't break your budget.
  2. Create a positive workplace atmosphere- 54% found their workplace welcoming enough to stay, while 15% said they didn't, and 31% were UNSURE about their future plans.* Getting caught up in the hustle and bustle of day to day routine can be draining. Spice things up with a catered lunch, joke of the day, or themed colors on small holidays. Feeling like the color green today?
  3. Listen- 35% of respondents said that leaders are not good listeners.* This one is an easy fix. Scheduling time out during the week to discuss who is working on what and any issues that are occurring is a good forum for open dialogue between management and employees.
 *Korn Ferry survey

Topics: Rewards & Loyalty, Employee Retention, General Gift Card, Employee Incentives & Rewards

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