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Celebrate National Charity Day with Gift Cards & Support Your Nonprofit Cause

Every year, millions of volunteers dedicate their time and talents to nonprofits across the country, helping them fulfill their missions and serve their communities. It might surprise you to learn that according to a study by the Independent Sector, the value of volunteer time for 2023 is estimated at $31.80 per hour. That's a staggering amount, which underscores the immense contribution made by volunteers. This National Charity Day, (September 5th, 2023), it's time for nonprofits to say "thank you" in a unique and practical way—through the use of gift cards.

Recognizing Volunteer Achievements

Implementing volunteer recognition programs is a fundamental way of acknowledging volunteers' efforts and contributions. These programs help to foster a sense of community and dedication among volunteers. Here are three strategies you can employ:

  • Celebrating Milestones with Gift Cards: Marking significant moments in a volunteer's journey is a great way to show appreciation. Milestones could include anniversaries, hours served, or successful project completion. Make a difference with gift cards, presenting them as tangible tokens of gratitude.
  • Volunteer of the Month/Year Awards: Regularly spotlight exceptional volunteers who've gone above and beyond in their service. Gift cards can be an excellent reward for these awards, offering a flexible and practical token of appreciation.
  • Personalized Appreciation Letters: Complement your gift card rewards with heartfelt messages expressing gratitude. A personalized letter can offer a sincere and meaningful acknowledgment of the volunteer's impact on your nonprofit's mission.

These strategies not only show appreciation but also inspire volunteers to maintain their commitment to your cause. Don’t let these opportunities to celebrate your volunteers go unseized.

Incorporating Gift Cards in Your Nonprofit

Gift cards offer a versatile way for nonprofits to reward their volunteers. Their flexibility and widespread acceptance make them a favorite among many employers and employees alike. Consider some of these options:

  • Charity Choice Gift Cards: One of the unique offerings in the market is the Charity Choice gift card. These cards empower volunteers by allowing them to donate the gift card amount to a nonprofit of their choice, reinforcing the spirit of giving.
  • Retail and Dining Gift Cards: Gift cards from popular retailers or restaurants are always well-received. They offer a practical and enjoyable reward for volunteers' hard work.
  • Digital Gift Cards: As we embrace more virtual interactions, digital gift cards provide an easy and eco-friendly option. These can be sent and received instantly, offering a convenient method for nonprofits to distribute rewards.

Implementing gift cards into your nonprofit's reward system not only allows you to express gratitude but also furthers your mission by instilling a sense of shared purpose among volunteers. Start thinking about how you can incorporate gift cards into your nonprofit.

The Impact of Gift Cards on National Charity Day

National Charity Day presents an opportunity for nonprofits to show appreciation and boost morale amongst their volunteers. If you’re on the fence about whether to use gift cards this National Charity Day, here are some of the ways that gift cards can make a difference:

  • Expressing Gratitude: Celebrating National Charity Day with gift cards can communicate your appreciation for volunteers' dedication in a tangible, enjoyable way.
  • Boosting Engagement: A gift card incentive can motivate volunteers to participate in special events or take on additional responsibilities, increasing overall engagement.
  • Encouraging Volunteerism: The prospect of earning a gift card can attract new volunteers, thereby expanding your nonprofit's reach and impact.

Using gift cards on National Charity Day can thus help to enhance your nonprofit's celebration, promote engagement, and potentially even attract new volunteers. There are numerous ways to celebrate your nonprofit on National Charity Day, so start brainstorming!


Gift cards can provide a powerful tool for nonprofit organizations to celebrate National Charity Day, making volunteers feel truly valued. By recognizing achievements, incorporating gift cards in your nonprofit, and harnessing their impact on special occasions like National Charity Day, your organization can strengthen its bond with its invaluable volunteers. So, this National Charity Day, lets make a difference with gift cards—a small token for a priceless service.


"Value of Volunteer Time." Independent Sector, Date Accessed (20 June 2023), URL: https://independentsector.org/resource/value-of-volunteer-time/ 

Topics: Fundraising, Charities & Nonprofits

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