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GiftCard Partners Participates in the Annual ThinkaThon

thinkathonToday, the team at GiftCard Partners is participating in the annual ThinkAThon. The 2014
ThinkAThon brings together big brains from all over the payment industry in a competition to solve some of the area’s most puzzling questions. This year’s problem-solving will focus on finding creative solutions within the following areas:

  • Omni-channel payments: The slow payment process of online buying is so time-consuming that consumers waste time and merchants sometimes even lose sales. Teams at The ThinkAThon will brainstorm a way that online sellers can make payment as simple as it is in-person.
  • Cyber hacking in payment systems: For this exercise, participants will hunt for a solution to cyber hacking, focusing on a way to make the online payment process as secure as possible.
  • Global payment system: Transferring money across different countries and currencies gets complicated and time-consuming. ThinkAThon-ers will brainstorm ideas to amp up the speed of global payments.
  • Leapfrog EMV: Participants will look for a substitute or replacement EMV that is more secure and less expensive.

Today, twelve teams come together, put on their innovation caps and present their answers to a panel of experts, ranging from professors to start-up CEOs. The winner will be deemed the Master Payments Guru. GiftCard Partners can’t wait to get innovating at the
2014 ThinkAThon!

Topics: Events and Trade Shows, General Gift Card

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