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Retail Sales Went Way Up in March

Spring has sprung and the winter is finally melting away. Apparently, along with flowers shooting up toward the sky, so is consumer spending. This month, the 
LA Times published an article about the recent surge in retail sales. According to them, retail sales saw their largest growth in one and a half years during the month of March. It's the best figure seen since September 2012. "'Spring is in the air indeed,' Rupkey said. 'The economy is on firm footing today and the future looks bright,'" wrote the 
LA Times. As tax refunds come through, many experts believe that we'll only see a continuous rise in retail spending. Data showed that retail sales, with the exception of automobiles, gas stations and restaurants, went up by 0.8 percent in March over February. According to the Commerce Department, seasonally adjusted retail sales grew by 1.1 percent last month.
The growth in retail sales means good things for businesses all around. It's a sign that the economy is on the rise, as consumers are spending more freely. It's also great for those with loyalty and rewards programs, who now have bigger budgets and more customers than ever to work with. There's no doubt about it, things are looking up for all of us!
Read the full article in the LA Times.

Topics: Retailers & Merchants

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