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Employee Health Program ROI is Stunning [INFOGRAPHIC]

Posted, by Deborah Merkin
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Employee health programs help your organization save money. I'll let the infographic below speak (mainly) for itself but the multi-faceted savings an employee health program can gain will surprise you...and your boss. Between reduced employee absenteeism, medical cost savings, and overall reduction is health costs, savings can be as much as $6 for every $1 a company invests. Employee health programs see results in wellness and biometrics as well. Reduction in preventable conditions like high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes and high-risk activities like smoking is another way health programs are proving their investment to employers and employees alike.

Improve employee health and wellness by promoting wellness with small spot rewards for health behavior like exercise, or for reaching a biometric goal like lowering blood pressure. Small denomination gift cards to healthy retailers like CVS/Pharmacy and Nutrisystem are great ways to help promote healthy behavior and lifestyles in your workplace.

employee health program

Topics: Workplace Health & Wellness

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