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Improving Employee Engagement with Technology

Posted, by Deborah Merkin
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A company's most valuable asset is their top performing employees. Employee engagement and keeping those employees happy are the easiest way to retain those top performers. Most companies focus on finding and hiring the best talent, but the goal shouldn't stop there.  Employee engagement, keeping employees motivated and invested in the company culture, and the strategy behind it all is equally important.  Management must do more than just the "given" benefits, such as compensations, vacation, and paid lunches.

Here are five tips for using technology to help boost employee engagement:

1. Changing the status quo - Using social style employee engagement software, as opposed to just using annual employee surveys, can offer real-time performance reviews, and provide faster company analytics and employee recognition, creating a more engaging environment.

2. Motivate with instant feedback - Reviewing annually is not often enough to maintain employee engagement. Using a platform that can collect employee input and provide instant feedback can suggest improvements directly to management and quickly improve employee engagement.

3. Encourage peer recognition - Encourage an environment where employees are free to recognize other employees. Recognition platforms can allow employees to track their own achievements while also being able to recognize their coworkers. Employees can thank each other publicly for going the extra mile. Management can also easily identify the top performers and further recognize and incent those employees.

4. Provide tangible rewards - In addition to recognizing, supplementing this approach with creative and meaningful rewards can add even more value. Rewards, such as e-gift cards, which can provide instant gratification, reinforces employer appreciation and can increase employee engagement.

5. Think big picture - With a cohesive culture and values, a company can present a clear, consistent message to their employees. Employee goals can be aligned with business priorities. Employee recognition platforms also provide a means for management to define their company culture and how the company is performing in relation to their objectives.

Both long and short term maintenance of employee engagement is one of the biggest challenges facing management today. It's imperative to create an environment in which employees feel motivated and invested.  Employee engagement software can provide the means to achieve these goals and create a positive work environment.  Read more here from Razor Suleman founder of Achievers.

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Topics: Employee Engagement, Employee Incentives & Rewards

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