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Fantasy Football Can Increase Employee Engagement

Posted, by Deborah Merkin
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fantasy football According to a recent study from Quantum Workplace's Best Places to Work research panel, employee engagement is higher among those employees who participate in Fantasy Football with their coworkers.  With the Super Bowl coming up, it’s not too late to use this as an employee engagement opportunity! The analysis of the study revealed that employees participating in a fantasy football league with their coworkers had higher survey scores when it came to measuring teamwork and trust with their coworkers.  Workplaces that encourage employees playing and socializing together had higher results in overall workplace teamwork and considered their workplace a great work environment.  Employees at these 'best places to work' often feel a sense of “family” in the workplace.
Some key highlights from the study include: Of NFL fans surveyed, 75.3% were highly engaged employees compared to 63.8% of non-NFL fans.

  • NFL fans have a more positive view of their leadership and their commitment to creating a great workplace.
  • Employees who predicted a Super Bowl winner were 3.45% more engaged than those who did not.
  • Panthers, Ravens, and Cowboys fans were the most engaged at work.

Companies should identify and foster opportunities such as these to bring employees together and bring a fun element into the workplace.  Something as simple as an office sports league is a great way to bring together coworkers and build engagement.  And with NCAA March Madness just around the corner, perhaps an office bracket would be a fun way to get your employees engaged! For more stats read the Quantum Workplace article

Topics: Employee Engagement, Employee Incentives & Rewards

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