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3 Ways to Make Your Office Healthier

Posted, by Deborah Merkin
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Employee health and wellness is important. We know why it’s important, but we often don’t spend enough time talking about how we can make employee health and wellness a part of our office environment. It’s important to understand what easy steps you can take to make your office healthier. It doesn’t need to be complicated, but it does need to give employees what they need to be successful in their healthy pursuit.

Here are 3 ways to make your office healthier:

  1. Allow for Flexibility- Giving employees the flexibility to do what they need to do to take care of themselves is crucial. Whether it’s time off during the day to go to the dentist or doctor or encouraging them to stay home when they might be fighting a cold, flexibility is key to keeping employees healthy.
  2. Make Exercise Accessible- There are a few ways to do this. Some offices have on-site gyms, some make gym discounts part of their benefits package, while others organize team sports or lunchtime walking groups for employees. However you choose to do it, making it easy for employees to exercise will make it easy for them to stay energized and focused while at work.
  3. Make Sleep a Priority- Getting the recommended 6-8 hours of sleep every night is tough, if not impossible for some. We get up early, go to bed late, and constantly over-schedule ourselves. Making sleep acceptable for employees is key. Whether flexible work hours work for your team or a nap pod is acceptable, make sleep okay. There should be no stigma for treating your exhaustion the same way you treat your headache.

Need more inspiration and ideas? Check out, Developing a Healthy Strategy for Happier, More Productive Teams from Huffington Post Healthy Living, for plenty more ideas to make your office healthier with simple quick to implement options.

Topics: Workplace Health & Wellness

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