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3 Can't Miss Components of Money20/20 US

Posted, by Deborah Merkin
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At the end of October the Financial Services and Payments industries will meet in Las Vegas for Money 20/20. It is a massive event, so it can be overwhelming to figure out how to find your show track.

Money 20/20 2017 logo

Money20/20 brings together 11,000 people from 4,500 companies and 85 different companies from all over the world. There are tons of sessions and incredible opportunities to network and fill your pipeline for Q4 and 2018. Here are three of the top components of Money20/20 you won’t want to miss this year.

Attend a Session

On day one of the conference our pick is “Workplace Financial Health: The New Corporate Responsibility.” Industry experts from Financial Services, Retail and Banking will be on stage together discussing how employee financial help is partially the responsibility of the employer, and how that responsibility transcends the paycheck.

If you’re looking for something later in the afternoon on Sunday, check out“Are Employers the Latest Financial Services Disruptors?” This session will explore the impact of how employers offering advanced financial services to employees as part of a benefits package can have on the non-benefits based FinServ market.

On Monday, start your day by learning about the “10 Mega Trends Driving the Future of Payments” to get the latest on this ever-evolving industry. 

Find the Right Networking Opportunity For You

There are parties, cocktail receptions and daytime networking breaks, so whether you’re a morning person or a night owl, if you love Vegas or you’re counting the hours until your flight, there’s a networking event for you.

Money20/20 brings together a unique cross section of multiple industries, so it’s worth taking the time to interact with people you may not see at any other show the rest of the year.

Walk the Floor, Schedule a Meeting

Money20/20 boasts an enormous expo floor. Walk the show and learn about newcomers to the Payments and FinServ spaces. You might meet vendors who are solving problems you don’t even know you have yet. It’s worth a look.

Scheduling a meeting with a vendor, partner, potential client or a company you want to know more about is a great way to give yourself a break from the bustle of the show and take a deeper dive into a specific issue, product or solution.

Meet with us at the show, click here to schedule a time.

Have more to add? Leave us a comment before you head to Vegas.

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