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3 Ways To Show Baby Boomer Employees Appreciation In The Workplace

Posted, by Deborah Merkin
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National Employee Appreciation Day may have come and gone, but that's no excuse for not showing your employees—Baby Boomers, for example—respect throughout March and beyond.

Read: Personalizing Employee Engagement

Baby Boomers (people born between 1946 and 1964) represent the second-largest population nationwide, with more than 75 million in 2015, according to US Census Bureau data

Additionally, a Pew Research Center report indicates that the Baby Boom Generation accounted for nearly 45 million of the total workforce in America during the first quarter of 2015.

With such a large group representing a significant part of the US workplace, it's important for employers to keep these employees feeling respected and motivated.

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Here are three ways to show your Baby Boomer employees that you value and appreciate their efforts:

1. Offer Workplace Flexibility: According to an Incentive Retail Federation report, Baby Boomers say "they want workplace flexibility, including the opportunity to work from home."

You're showing employees a measure of trust and appreciation by giving them the option of working remotely or at the office.

2. Give Out Unexpected Paid Time Off: While it's admirable that 42 percent of Baby Boomers planned to work past 65, according to a Harvard Business Review report, employers can offer their employees a paid day off for doing a job well done or simply as a thank you and show of appreciation. 

3. Donate Gift Cards To A Cause: Harvard Business Review also reported that 55 percent of Baby Boomers participate in external volunteer activities.

If you've taken the time to know your employees well, donate targeted gift cards to charitable organizations Baby Boomers at your company currently support.

Then, you can surprise your employees at a company party by letting them know the extent of your appreciation for their continued dedication and service to the business. 

Looking for ways to show appreciation to your employees? Consider giving them CVS Pharmacy gift cards.

cvs.jpgEditor's note: We'll have more ideas coming soon on how you can show your employees appreciation. To keep up to speed, subscribe to the GiftCard Partners blog to receive daily, weekly or monthly updates.

Topics: Employee Gifts, Employee Appreciation, Employee Engagement

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