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Boosting Healthcare Member Retention with Gift Card Incentives

Posted, by Deborah Merkin
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Have you ever considered the allure of gift card incentives? Beyond their obvious monetary value, how might their strategic use transform industries, especially in the realm of healthcare? When well-implemented, gift card incentives not only boost healthcare member retention but also improve healthcare participation remarkably. Let's dive into how leading organizations have harnessed the power of gift cards.

Wunderman Thompson Health: Revolutionizing Healthcare Marketing with Gift Cards

Wunderman Thompson Health is a globally-renowned marketing firm which addresses the puzzle of healthcare engagement brilliantly. Through a blend of strategy and a dash of gift card allure, they've unveiled a groundbreaking approach to healthcare marketing. Let's delve into their journey.

  • Need for Effective Engagement: Wunderman Thompson, a globally renowned marketing and communications firm, grappled with a challenge. They aimed to effectively engage their numerous healthcare clients. Standard methods weren’t yielding the anticipated results, but gift card incentives emerged as a silver bullet.
  • Collaboration with GiftCard Partners: Turning to GiftCard Partners, Wunderman Thompson started utilizing the Engage2Reward™ Gift Card Ordering Platform. With access to over 300 brands, the platform ensured CMS compliance by emphasizing gift cards focusing on food and health without any links to alcohol.
  • Exceptional Customer Experience: This partnership heralded a new era of member engagement, driven by the platform's user-friendliness and robust customer support. Wunderman Thompson also saw an opportunity to appreciate their internal team, tapping into the Engage2Reward™ brand catalog for employee rewards.

Through adaptive strategies and partnerships, Wunderman Thompson Health has set a precedent in healthcare marketing. By intertwining the appeal of gift cards with the nuances of member engagement, they've crafted a unique solution that offers mutual benefits for both clients and their members. Read the full success story here.


"The Engage2Reward platform revolutionized how we handle incentives, making the process seamless. Not only could we better serve our clients, but we also found an invaluable tool for our internal employee appreciation." - Brendan Delong, Director, Partner Management, Wunderman Thompson.

More Real-Life Examples:

While Wunderman Thompson Health has showcased gift card innovation, they're not alone. Across the healthcare spectrum, various organizations are harnessing the gift card phenomenon in unique ways. Here, we spotlight a few compelling real-life examples that bring this trend to life.

En Pointe For Ava:

  • Supporting Families in Need: This organization provides gift card support for families of children traveling for vital clinical trials addressing life-threatening brain tumors.
  • Making Clinical Trials Accessible: Recognizing that not all states have open trials, they ensure these families have the financial support they need during tough times.

Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium: 

  • Incentives for Travel: They offer incentives to patients traveling to the lower 48 states for essential medical treatment.
  • Alleviating Travel Costs: The gift cards help patients cover various costs associated with their healthcare-related travels.

Child and Teen Wellness Center:

  • End-of-Year Visits: They offer $100 gift cards to motivate patients to complete their healthcare visits by year-end.
  • Promoting Regular Health Check-ups: This strategy ensures that patients don’t neglect their health, especially towards the year's close.

The power of gift cards transcends sectors and needs. Whether it’s providing financial aid to families in distress or ensuring patients keep their health check-ups, the strategic use of gift cards has brought about positive, tangible change in diverse scenarios.

Expanding the Horizon: Other Gift Card Incentive Ideas

Beyond the above use-cases, there's vast potential in gift card incentives. Consider the Engage2Reward™ Choice Card for:

  • Employee Motivation: Boost productivity by rewarding outstanding performance.
  • Holiday Promotions: Capitalize on festive seasons to offer special gift cards, encouraging customer loyalty and retention.
  • Sales Increase & Customer Referral: Encourage referrals with gift card rewards, potentially boosting bottomline sales.
  • Corporate Incentives: Use gift cards to reward both customers and employees, ensuring versatility in their choices.

Gift card incentives provide a versatile palette for organizations to paint their strategies. From motivating employees to optimizing sales campaigns, the potential of these incentives is vast, waiting to be harnessed to its fullest.



Gift card incentives aren't just about rewards; they are strategic tools that can help boost healthcare member retention and participation. As companies like Wunderman Thompson Health have showcased, when leveraged correctly, these incentives can transform organizational dynamics, from boosting customer loyalty to enhancing employee motivation. In the ever-evolving healthcare landscape, it's time for more institutions to harness this potential.

Ready to supercharge your healthcare strategy? Discover the power of gift card incentives today.

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