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Domino's New Order Tracker Technology Is Ridiculous...In A Good Way

Posted, by Deborah Merkin
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Domino's is best known for making pizza, but the advancements the company is making in the technology world, specifically to its Order Tracker, can't be overlooked.

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On Monday, the American pizza restaurant chain announced a partnership with IFTTT, a free internet service platform that enables users to form connections between smart devices using Applets, or simple commands.

The Applets sync up with the different steps of the pizza tracker process including: order is being prepped, order is in the oven, order is out for delivery, and order is ready for pickup. 

There are nearly a dozen Domino's-specific Applets available for download via the IFTTT website, including one that shuts off your sprinklers when the Order Tracker indicates that the pizza is out for delivery. This is one connection your delivery driver will certainly appreciate. 

Another option your delivery driver is bound to find helpful is the Applet that turns on your LIFX porch lights when the pizza tracker is at the "out for delivery" step.

According to the IFTTT website, the most popular Domino's Applet to date has been the "send yourself a mobile notification when your order is out for delivery" option, with more than 100 signing up to use it.

"We understand how much people love using Domino's Tracker, not only to know where their order is in the preparation and delivery process, but also to plan around that much-anticipated pizza arrival," said Dennis Maloney, Domino's senior vice president – chief digital officer, in the announcement. "And now we're empowering customers to unleash their imagination as they create new ways to integrate some of our favorite innovations, like Domino's Tracker, into their everyday lives. Thanks to the endless possibilities of IFTTT Applets, customers will be more connected than ever."

For those looking to tidy up before, say, a Super Bowl party, customers can download a Domino's Applet that activates their Samsung POWERbot to vacuum while their order is being prepared.

Tech-savvy customers wishing to make their own Applets are able to do so for any step of the process. To find out how, visit the Domino's section of the IFTTT website

If you want to get a sense of how Domino's Order Tracker technology works, check out the company's YouTube videos

Want to buy Domino's gift cards at a bulk discount? Complete this brief order form to get the ball rolling. 

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