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Flourish 2018: 4 Sessions You Won't Want to Miss

Posted, by Deborah Merkin
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Flourish, one of the only trade shows centered around the concept of branded currency, is just around the corner. With three days of jam-packed sessions and networking, we want to give you the inside scoop about sessions you won’t want to miss.

1. Gift Card University 

Monday April 9, 9:00 am-5:00 pm

While advanced sign-up is required, this full-day pre-conference event will quickly build your knowledge of gift card programs. Consider this a “Gift Card 101” course for organizations looking to start a program. This session provides a unique opportunity for those new in the industry to gain information on third party vendors, digital essentials and manufacturing all in one day.

2. Using Data to Target Your Gift Card Customers 

Tuesday April 10, 2:05-2:30 pm

Data drives marketing and sales activities in any organization and in any vertical. So understanding how data can drive your gift card program and ensure you maximize your company’s investment is critical to the sustainability of your program. In this session, you’ll gain insight into gift card KPIs and ensure the longevity and stability of any program you manage.

3. Explore New Ways to Expand Your Distribution Channel

Tuesday April 10, 4:35-5:15 pm

We might be a little biased about this one. Our CEO, Deb Merkin, will be joined by a panel of fellow industry leaders from WeGift, SVM and Darden to discuss new ways to expand distribution channels in the B2B market. The discussion focuses on new marketing and sales techniques, as well as utilizing new technology. Learn how to use gift cards in new ways and expand your branded currency with both digital and plastic options.

4. How Gift Cards Fit In with Incentive Travel and Merchandise 

Wednesday April 11, 1:35-2:15 pm

Gift cards often get lumped in with other employee incentives and perks. Ensure that you know how gift cards fit in alongside other incentives, such as travel rewards and material gifts. Stay informed on the best practices to use for different types of incentives and strengthen your program.

Will we see you at Flourish in April? Schedule a time to meet up with our CEO, Deb Merkin.

Click for the full Flourish 2018 agenda.

 View the full Flourish 2018 agenda here.

Topics: Events and Trade Shows

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