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How To Curb Stress In The Workplace & Boost Employee Retention

Posted, by Deborah Merkin
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Failing to address stress in the workplace can lead to several issues, including low employee retention and high turnover rates.

Read: Study: Organizational Change Triggers Increase In Employee Stress

For your company to succeed, you need to take steps to ensure every employee is engaged and feels like a valued member of the team. 

With April being National Stress Awareness Month, here are a couple of ways to improve your employee retention and reduce stress in the workplace:

Thoughtful Team Outings

From trips to the ballpark to trivia night, there are plenty of opportunities that can be explored outside of the workplace, all for the sake of keeping your employees as stress-free as possible.

Make sure to survey your team to determine what they'd like to do instead of picking something on their behalf.

Depending on your budget, the team outings can become a weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly endeavor that'll put your employees in good spirits and keep them engaged while on the job.

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Make Holistic Health A Priority

Offering in-house yoga or tai chi classes are a few examples of how your employees can relax and de-stress during their lunch break.

Holistic health-focused sessions allow employees to channel positive energy and clear their mental slate, if you will, before returning to the workplace.

By extending these opportunities to workers, you'll seemingly make them happier, more effective, and employee retention will in all likelihood be the least of your concerns.

Provide Financial Rewards

There are several ways you can financially reward your employees, including buying them name-brand gift cards or giving out bonuses.

Employees will appreciate that you're recognizing their achievements in the workplace.

Monetary incentives may help with employee retention, but if you don't have a legitimate rewards program in place, you'll likely see stressed-out workers heading for the exit.

Looking for the right reward to give to your employees? Check out the CVS Pharmacy® gift card suite to find the right fit for your company's rewards program.

Topics: Workplace Health & Wellness, Health Incentives

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