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Gen Z at Work: How to Manage & Motivate Generation Z in the Workplace

In an era where the workplace is evolving faster than ever, a new generation is stepping into the professional world with fresh perspectives and unique expectations. Generation Z, born between the late 1990s and early 2010s, is not just another cohort in the workforce; they are digital natives, social justice advocates, and flexibility enthusiasts.  

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Happy Open Enrollment: 5 Benefits Enrollment Tips for HR

Open enrollment season is a pivotal time for HR professionals and benefits administrators, offering a unique opportunity to engage employees and streamline their decision-making process regarding health benefits. This period can be daunting for employees as they navigate through various options, making it crucial for HR to provide support and clarity. By leveraging innovative incentive strategies, such as the Engage2Reward™ Gift Card Ordering Platform, HR can transform open enrollment from a routine administrative task into a positive, empowering experience for employees.

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Attract Employees with Return-to-Work Incentives

As much of the U.S. gets back to a “new normal” with the COVID-19 pandemic waning, many businesses that require either low-wage, hourly, or exclusively in-person workforces are still finding themselves short-staffed. These sectors of the American workforce are critical to the healing of the economy and for getting individual businesses back to operating at pre-pandemic levels. 

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Increasing Mental Health Support Improves Your Business

Employee benefits plans are often the number one expense for a company. For an investment that large, do you know if your employee benefits plan is working for you? Is it minimizing sick days and extended absences? Is it providing coverage for specific employee populations? Is it providing coverage for often stigmatized conditions?

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How To Revitalize Your Employee Benefits Program

Employee benefits programs are a critical component to compensation, so don’t you want to make sure it works for your staff?

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