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Tips for Shopping with your Mobile Wallet

Posted, by Deborah Merkin
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As mobile wallet technology becomes more common, and more retailers begin accepting programs like Google Wallet and MasterCard PayPass it is important to know how and when to use your mobile wallet technology. These tips will help maximize your experience AND keep your financial information secure.
Tap-and-pay systems: Systems like Google Wallet and MasterCard's PayPass are going to only gain momentum. The technology is improving (for instance moving away from a tap, and more towards a wave motion), and the types of locations accepting this form of payment is increasing. How different would it be to do away with metro card systems for public transit, and simply be able to swipe your SmartPhone? It may happen sooner than you think.
PayPal mobile payments: Mobile banking apps such as these allow you to make purchases, and even in some cases, transfer funds without disrupting your life. You can order pizza and pay from the couch, or even transfer bonus funds from your company to your employees, making year-end bonuses instant and convenient.
Roaming credit card readers: These devices allow small businesses and organizations, such as a Girls Scout troop in Ohio (who boasted a 13% increase in cookie sales) to use credit cards without paying a prhibitive fee. These credit card readers come at either a nominal fee (usually a small percentage of each sale) or free to the user. And don't fear about the initial security concerns, readers encrypt financial information before transmitting to the bank. Mobile wallet technology is growing, so make sure you know the basics of how to use it, when to use it, and which products to take advantage of.
For more information on mobile wallet technology check out the article in U.S. News and World Report.

Topics: Gift Card Technology, eCommerce, General Gift Card, Mobile Payments

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