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Employee Investment and Innovation Management

Posted, by Deborah Merkin
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Innovation is key to business success. Your organization is constantly striving to stay ahead of the innovation curve, and innovate faster than competitors. The best way to promote innovation in your organization is workforce investment. Investing in your employees is a great way to show support and build a rapport with employees that will increase job satisfaction and retention rates across your organization, leading to a more productive and innovative workforce. Here are 3 easy employee investment strategies that will promote innovation in your organization.

Build Trust: Building trust with and for your employees is crucial to fostering an innovative environment. You have to trust your employees to innovate along with your organization's vision and direction, while employees need to trust their employer and trust their job security to go out of their comfort zone at work and find innovative ways to get things done.

Cultivate Passion: Set an example with your enthusiasm. No one is motivated by someone who is just getting their job done. Employees look up to other employees who are invested in their work. Employee investment starts at the top, when management is enthused with their positions, so will lower level employees. If you are passionate, the people you lead will also be passionate, and passion often leads to innovation.

Inspire Loyalty: When management is loyal to an organization, employee loyalty will follow. Investing in your employees by providing small rewards for milestones reached with a company, such as an annual anniversary, or even a semi-annual anniversary is a great way to show employees their organization cares.

Small denomination gift cards to retailers such as Albertsons to help curb employee grocery costs are a great way to show employees that you both notice and appreciate their hard work and dedication, while controlling organizational costs simultaneously.

Topics: Gift Card Incentives & Rewards, Gift Card Technology, Rewards & Loyalty, Employee Engagement, General Gift Card, Employee Incentives & Rewards

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