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Proud of New England, Proud of our Client – CVS Caremark

I’m a native Rhode Islander and proud that CVS hails from Little Rhodie. I’m also a Boston Lover, living in Boston proper and the suburbs for almost 20 years. I love seeing generosity for special support projects, but this one touches our hearts at GiftCard Partners with our headquarters located approximately ½ through the Boston Marathon Route. CVS/pharmacy is our client and we seek to represent the best of the best retailers in the U.S. to promote and sell their gift cards into the B2B market. We are very proud of how our client has stepped up in support of the victims and families affected by the Boston bombings. CVS Caremark and CVS/pharmacy has donated over $750,000 to
The One Fund Boston. Proud to be local to this wonderful place and all the companies and people willing to help! Check out:
CVS Caremark Donates Over $750,000 to The One Fund Boston Month-long in-store fundraising campaign in Boston-area CVS/pharmacy locations raises more than $650,000 to support victims of Boston Marathon attack CVS Caremark's private foundation previously donated $100,000 to The One Fund Boston

Topics: B2B Gift Cards, CVS/pharmacy, Fundraising, Charities & Nonprofits, Retailers & Merchants, Boston Market, General Gift Card

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