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How to Implement Effective Employee Wellness Programs

Posted, by Deborah Merkin
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Implementing employee wellness programs can save your organization money in both employee absenteeism and employee productivity, and can help control costs of health care benefits. Here are a few ways to ensure the implementation of your wellness programs is successful.
Make Sure the Program Is Comprehensive: Make sure your health and wellness programs focus on all aspects of employees' everyday lives. Build a community of wellness, focusing on every day areas of concern like exercise, healthy eating and stress management. Build community by creating an office running club, softball league or weight loss group.
Engage Employees: Center your wellness programs around results, while engaging employees into the program. Ensure employees set goals, whether they are weight loss related, fitness related, or focused on healthy eating (does anyone really 
need that 3rd cup of coffee?). On the other side, reward employees for reaching their goals, or for investing themselves in the program. Small rewards like small denomination gift cards to healthy retailers like 
GNC or CVS/pharmacy will be a treat for employees, showing them that their employer cares for their well-being and wants to help them down the road of healthy behavior.

Promote Healthy Eating: The office is a place where employees can end up eating 2-3 meals a day. The kinds of food available to them at the office and the culture around food and eating can have a great deal of influence on the food choices employees make. Having healthy snacks around the office and low calorie beverages is a subtle but helpful way to keep your workforce on the healthy track.
For more information on how to implement a successful wellness program check out this article from Small Business Trends.

Topics: Gift Card Incentives & Rewards, Workplace Health & Wellness, Employee Engagement, General Gift Card, Employee Incentives & Rewards

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