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3 Signs of a Truly Loyal Employee

Posted, by Deborah Merkin
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Great and loyal employees believe in your vision, and are willing to do everything they can to help achieve it and make your team stronger. Loyalty and longevity aren't always synonymous, and a truly loyal employee will challenge when appropriate and praise when appropriate. Here are 3 signs you have loyal talent on your hands.
  1. They dissent and disagree: This seems counter-intuitive to employee loyalty, but an employee who can give honest opinions for the sake of building the team and making it better is more valuable than an employee that keeps quiet. Reward employees for making bold statements if it helps the company. Spot rewards for taking the risk, like a small denomination gift card to Speedway1-800-Flowers or The Limited is a great way to reinforce important, but perceived high risk behavior.
  2. They support the company in public: Everyone wants their fights and disagreements to stay behind closed doors. No matter what an employee thinks and says internally, to the outside world they show their appreciation with praise for the work environment and share knowledgeable facts about the company and products.
  3. They praise their peers: Peer-to-peer recognition programs are important and empowering. Peer recognition helps employees get to know each other and bond, while helping each other be and do the best they can. Encourage it by letting employees allot points to each other for later rewards.

For more information on signs of a loyal employee check out this article from Dharmesh Shah Founder and CTO of Hubspot. 

Topics: Rewards & Loyalty, Employee Engagement, General Gift Card, Employee Incentives & Rewards

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