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Corporate Wellness, Foster a Culture of Health in the Workplace

Posted, by Deborah Merkin
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Whether you've just implemented a corporate wellness program or have had one in place for years, one thing to pay close attention to is the culture of health that it creates in your workplace. Without it, your program is like a boat on dry land...not really going anywhere. Company culture is built from the top down.

One great way to show management's support in your corporate wellness program is by encouraging employees to make and keep “health-goals”, like losing weight, joining a smoking cessation program and quitting, joining a gym, etc.  Rewarding employees for these milestone achievements in their health is a great motivational tool and using healthy incentives brings the process full circle. Healthy incentives can be any number of things and don’t need to break the bank either. Small denomination gift cards to health-focused stores like CVS/pharmacy or The Vitamin Shoppe® are a great way to reward.

Get more healthy gift ideas on a budget from Health.com’s 50 Healthy Gifts Under $50.

Check out this article in Corporate Wellness Magazine to learn more about employee motivational tools and creating a culture of health.

Topics: B2B Gift Cards, Workplace Health & Wellness, Health Incentives, Whole Foods Market, Employee Incentives & Rewards

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