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Mobile Payment Adoption: Slow but Steady

Posted, by Deborah Merkin
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A Boston area start up may have a breakthrough in the very slow adopting mobile payments market. Loop is an e-wallet that not only attaches to your phone like a case, but actually works with your retailer's existing POS system. Mobile payments were predicted to have taken off by now, and adoption is still occurring but at a much slower rate. Mobile payments that aren't compatible with existing retail POS systems are tough for retailers because a change to a national chain's POS, involves a large scale hardware upgrades which cost money and take a long time. Bringing mobile payments to retailers existing systems is taking a new approach to this mobile payments puzzle. It puts the investment on the consumer, who is choosing to use the system, rather than force retailers to provide a system that they don't have guaranteed ROI from. Since Loop is set to hit the market this winter, we will see soon if this alternate approach catches on. The adoption has been slow but the potential could be high.
For more information on mobile payments check out this article from the Boston Globe.

Topics: Gift Card Technology, General Gift Card, Mobile Payments

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