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3 Tips to Improve Your Employee Wellness Program

Posted, by Deborah Merkin
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Employee wellness programs are a great way to create a culture of fitness while controlling healthcare costs. Employee wellness programs make employees healthier, more productive, and generally happier. It can be as simple as endorphins. For employers, wellness programs help build organizational culture, peer-to-peer relationships and a grateful, healthy staff. Here are three areas to focus on to help build your employee wellness program into your organization.

  1. According to Information Week, 5-10% of your workforce is spending 70-80% of your healthcare budget. Focus on that 10%. Targeting their demographic and lifestyle with your wellness program will allow you to tailor the program to a smaller section of your workforce to have the largest financial impact.
  2. Create a third party liaison to provide advice, guidance, and boundaries to the program. Whether it's a healthcare professional who can monitor employee progress while indicating employer implications, or someone on staff who can also remain impartial to both points of view.  Every program needs boundaries and someone who can advocate for both employers and employees.
  3. When engaging participants in your employee wellness programs, set employee expectations appropriately. Communication is key and ensuring employees know what the goals of the program are and what key milestones they will be expected to reach is key to any program's success.

Employee wellness programs can be a powerful tool when they are at peak effectiveness. Ensure your employee wellness program is on track today.

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