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Why Millenials Become Workforce Assets

Posted, by Deborah Merkin
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Millenials have been a point of contention amongst themselves and among hiring managers. They have higher than average unemployment rates and can frankly be a pain in the organization (I'm a millenial so I can say it). However, millenials do have unique traits that can set them apart during the recruitment and hiring process. Here are three reasons why millenials can become a great asset to your workforce.
Tech skills- Millenials want to learn and tend to adapt faster to new and changing technology. Think about it, this is the first generation who has truly lived their whole lives in the internet age. They get it, and the faster they learn the more they can do for you.
Ambition- This can be an achilles heel, but it can also be a driver of productivity and hunger to do their best for their organization and themselves. Ambition doesn't make everyone a climber. Sometimes it can work in an organization's favor.
Quick Study- 60% of hiring managers indicate that millenials learn new skills required of them faster than older colleagues. A quick learner is not only productive but can help provide training to an entire workforce. Quick learning and institutional training can be a great combination.

Topics: Millennials, Employee Engagement, General Gift Card

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