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5 Tips for Reducing Absenteeism in the Workplace

Posted, by Deborah Merkin
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Absenteeism in the workplace due to poor health costs U.S. businesses an estimated $84 billion a year in lost productivity. While this number is down from just a few years ago, employers can continue to improve absenteeism in the workplace by promoting wellbeing.  Promoting wellbeing benefits both the employer and employee.  A healthy employee is likely to take fewer sick days and be more productive when they know that their wellbeing is important to their employer. While some ideas for wellbeing can take some time to implement, here are five simple, inexpensive ways of improving employee wellbeing that you can start as soon as today:

  1. Help employees understand that which they do not.  Better-informed employees are happy employees.  Hold drop-in sessions for employees to ask questions about things such as their pension, how to read their pay stub, and what different employee benefits they are entitled to and might not be taking advantage of.
  2. Encourage employees to stand up more.  Standing up in the workplace for at least three hours a day has the same benefits as competing in 10 marathons each year!  One way to implement this could be installing chest-level tables in an area of the office for working and meetings.
  3. Get the maximum value for your offerings.  Many employee wellbeing products, such as Sick Pay Insurance, give customers access to additional services at no extra cost.  For example, employees can seek dedicated professionals who are trained to provide guidance on issues like absence management.  Also Employee Assistance Programs and free legal advice are available.  Make sure your employees are aware of these benefits so they can make the most of the free services offered to them.
  4. Promote a healthy workplace.  Wellbeing doesn’t have to cost a lot.  Cheap ideas can be as simple as providing free fruit in the workplace and a blender in the kitchen so your employees can make smoothies for breakfast or lunch.  If the cost of an on-site gym is too expensive, set up lunchtime or after work running or walking clubs.  Even something as simple as encouraging employees to take their lunch break together can have a positive impact on motivation and productivity.
  5. Utilize outside spaces.  If your workplace has an outside area, introduce and promote it!  Employees can benefit from the fresh air.  You could even start a company garden and encourage employees to take fresh produce home with them.

While having wellness initiatives in place can increase well-being, there are no firm guarantees if your staff remains unmotivated.  Along with implementing workplace wellness, 
here are some tips to keep your employees motivated in workplace wellness programs.

Topics: Workplace Health & Wellness, General Gift Card

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