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Employee Health Keeps Costs Low

Posted, by Deborah Merkin
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It's the time of year for diets, gym membership renewals and for some, delusions of grandeur about a healthier year. The key is to turn that burst of enthusiasm into long-term healthy habits that help employees fall into routines that are here to stay for the long haul. Healthy employees miss less work, and are more productive, focused and hungrier to move up and improve.

So how can we bring good habits to employees that foster healthier, and ultimately stronger, contributors? The answer is simple. Bring the health and wellness initiative into the workplace. From zumba classes at lunch and yoga happy hours, to health-conscious gift card reward options like CVS/pharmacy and The Vitamin Shoppe® for reaching weight loss goals or maintaining those habits, employee health and wellness is a win-win for the entire company.

While employees get healthier, healthcare costs get reduced for both employees and employers. One example of this is at USI insurance. If employees and spouses agreed to annual biometrics screenings, healthcare costs could drop as much as 30%. While some employees can find these screenings invasive, 89% of USI employees enrolled in the program, finding the discount to be worth the tradeoff of the screenings. The impact that the discount has on employees and their family budgets is significant, and they can attribute that financial relief to their employer. If that's not enough motivation to keep those new year's resolutions, then I don't know what is.

For more information on the impact employee health has on your business and it's staff, check out this article in the Orange County Register.

Topics: Workplace Health & Wellness, General Gift Card

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