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3 Ways to Transform Employee Performance

Posted, by Deborah Merkin
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Multi-Ethnic Group of People in a Meeting Looking Up Employee performance should be a main focus for any management and HR team. If your employees succeed it is great for morale, continuity and productivity. High employee performance will yield higher profits for your business and greater success all around. Low performers not only drag themselves down but can really drag their whole team down with them. Here are three ways to transform low performing employees to boost employee performance in your organization.

  1. Identify low performers: Know your staff. Identifying low performers shouldn't be a humiliation ritual, it simply allows HR teams and management to understand who to focus their transformative efforts on. Some employees may need more coaching or a more structured path to success. Know who they are so you can single them out for help before it's too late.
  2. Create Clear Expectations: Identify exactly what an employee's weak spots are and what they (and you) can do to turn their performance around. If you are not specific in your requests employees are likely to get stressed about their sub-par performance rather than focus on how they can turn it around and do better.
  3. Adjust Your Incentive Program: Instead of creating an incentive and bonus structure where employees are rewarded no matter what, or are rewarded based on whole company goals, think about creating an incentive program designed around individual performance. Performance-linked bonuses are a great way to boost employee productivity, especially in relation to specific and clear deliverable expectations. Offering professional development opportunities and management recognition are also great ways to incent employees around specific individual performance while giving them an opportunity to improve.

Looking for more ideas? Entrepreneur.com has you covered.

Topics: Employee Performance, Employee Recognition, Employee Engagement, Employee Incentives & Rewards

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