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Employee Wellness Program Basics

Posted, by Deborah Merkin
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Employee wellness programs are becoming a bigger part of the workplace. Employee wellness programs are part of benefits packages, they are mutually beneficial to employees and employers and employees love them.

Here are the employee wellness program basics you should consider when adding a health and wellness program to your healthcare benefits package:

  • Decreased Absences- Healthy employees take less sick days. Maintain continuity in your organization and help prevent absenteeism through the promotion of healthy living and exercise.
  • Decreased Healthcare Costs- This is an obvious one, and can be more focused on employers. However, employers who pass the savings on to employees, whether it’s through participation in a competition or submission to biometric screenings, can see greater participation in the program and employee loyalty.
  • Increased Teamwork- Camaraderie in the workplace increases productivity and employee loyalty. Employee wellness programs bring employees together through friendly weight loss competition, mutual love of fitness, and discussing heath topics. These personal relationships enable employees to work better on their core job responsibilities.
  • Increased High-Quality Talent- Employee wellness programs can actually be used as a recruiting tool. Seem crazy? Super talented people are meticulous in picking a new job. They pay attention to even the small details within a benefits package. Healthcare coverage alone may not be good enough for them. Potential employees may want a way to maintain low healthcare costs, or simply join an organization they know cares about their health.

Employee wellness programs are now so common amongst employers that some companies even treat them as part of company culture. Don’t miss an easy opportunity to benefit your business and keep your employees healthy, fit, and happy at work.

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