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4 Reasons to Utilize Staff Wellness

Posted, by Deborah Merkin
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Staff wellness is a concern in most office environments. Whether it’s preventing a flu outbreak this winter, or making sure that fitness is a priority in a culture where most employees are sitting forty hours a week, wellness is top of employers’ minds. Here are 4 issues that can be addressed through staff wellness:

  1. Absenteeism- This one is a simple cause and effect. Employees who take better care of themselves get sick less. It’s a pretty open-and-shut case. Make sure your employees have time to
  2. Presenteeism- Employees showing up when they are sick is good for no one. They elongate their illness. They get other employees sick and they don’t really get much done while sick at work. Presenteeism is a new term, but it is an old practice. Employers should take active measures to address it and create environments where if an employee is sick they feel comfortable staying home and getting better before returning to the office.
  3. Engagement- Stress and sleep deprivation are a deadly combination that can take their toll on employees and their output. Trying to control/mitigate stress and ensure that employees have enough time to rest and recuperate is key to ensuring the remain engaged and effective during their time in the office. With research showing that only about one-third of large company employees are engaged, this is a growing problem that needs to be addressed.
  4. Healthcare costs: According to Wellness Program Benchmarks from SHRM, 72% of employers found staff wellness initiatives either somewhat or very effective in reducing healthcare costs.

Thinking you might need more reasons to get staff wellness on the priority list at your organization? Check out the article, Invest in staff wellness for big rewards, from IOL Beta.    

Topics: Workplace Health & Wellness

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