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3 Tips To Increase Employee Loyalty

Posted, by Deborah Merkin
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Employee loyalty can be considered a dying principle in today’s professional environment. However, all organizations are looking to increase employee loyalty and lower their turnover rate.

The best way to maintain a productive staff is to keep a consistent staff.

Here are three ways you can increase employee loyalty, retention, and overall happiness.

1) Invest In Coaching

Don’t boss your people around. Instead of telling your team what to do and how to do it, coach them through activities.

Whether it’s step-by-step coaching or giving them autonomy on certain projects and going through first drafts with them to make corrections together, coaching employees can increase employee loyalty because it helps them improve both professionally and personally. 

Employees are looking for a boss and an organization that is going to allow them to grow and learn. Make your people better and they will improve your company.

2) Practice What You Preach

If you don’t want your employees looking for the next best opportunity, take care of them.

First, your organization's management team should be loyal, and managers should actively back their teams up.

Squashing any office politics, unfair criticism, and power plays either within or in the direction of your team lets your team know you’re there for them.

If you support your people, they will continue to stick around.

3) Keep Things Transparent

We talk about this in the context of many of our posts. Keep things transparent at your organization.

Whether it is a change in strategy, direction, or product development, keep your people informed.

When employees get information from the right sources, it builds faith in leadership, and it strengthens the organizational foundation. Make sure the flow of information goes the way you planned, and that simple tip will increase employee loyalty.

Topics: Employee Recognition, Rewards & Loyalty, Employee Appreciation, Employee Engagement

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