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3 Ways to Build Meaningful Employee Motivation

Posted, by Deborah Merkin
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Building meaningful employee motivation within your company is critical to your company's long-term success.

You can create a supportive environment by sharing context with employees, anticipating obstacles and recognizing a job well done.

Here are three ways you can improve employee motivation:

1) Keep Employees Engaged

Rather than making decisions by seniority at your company, discuss major changes with your entire team so everyone remains in the loop.

Empowering all employees by including them in business-altering decisions creates a culture of speaking up, sharing ideas, and innovation.

According to a recent HubSpot survey, 50 percent of respondents said bosses sharing qualitative or quantitative information makes them more productive.

Providing a detailed explanation about organizational change makes employees feel more connected with their employer. Inclusion motivates employees to strive for more responsibility and support the company during difficult times.

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2) Expect the Unexpected

Anticipating friction between a worker and their boss or their colleague is important to employee motivation.

Once an employee encounters disagreement or resistance in the workplace, they can become demotivated.

Being able to foresee and address issues before they manifest will ensure a positive employee experience.

For the second consecutive year, employee respect was ranked No. 1 when it comes to overall job satisfaction, according to a 2016 Society for Human Resource Management survey.

Ensuring that a motivated worker doesn’t lose their momentum because of an obstruction in their workflow, or some other unforeseen circumstance, is crucial to your company's viability.

3) Show Appreciation to Your Team

The ultimate motivator for employees in any work environment is recognition.

According to an Employee Benefit News report, 70 percent of employees surveyed note that motivation and morale improves the more managers appreciate their work.

When employees make a significant contribution, their employer needs to acknowledge this and reward them.

Giving gift cards as spot rewards is a great way to show your appreciation, while also generating more employee loyalty.

When recognition doesn’t occur in the workplace, it can potentially lead to significant employee retention and turnover issues.

Meaningful employee motivation drives the stability of your company and fosters retention. Finding appropriate, personal and timely ways to reward your employees for their exceptional workplace accomplishments is key to your company's overall well-being.

Need to add a motivational tool to your workplace rewards program? Buying name-brand gift cards at a discount is one approach you can take.

Topics: Employee Engagement

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