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Top 5 Ways To Increase Employee Performance in 2023

Every business wants to get off to a fast start in the new year. The easiest way to do that is to increase employee performance and ensure you’re getting the best out of your whole workforce right at the start of the first quarter. Here are five ways to maintain and increase employee performance in 2023.

1. Provide (and solicit) feedback constantly

Don’t wait for a review cycle to provide feedback to employees or to leaders. Make space for feedback in your organization at any time. Encouraging feedback in 1:1 meetings or in ad-hoc conversations allows your organization:

  • A space where employees always know how they are doing in their role.
  • To avoid surprises in more formal performance conversations.
  • To use consistent feedback to motivate employees and push them to the next level.

Consistent employee feedback often lays the groundwork to improve performance and push employees to exceed expectations in their jobs.

2. Track goals and growth

Tracking employees goals and growth is another component of keeping open communication between the organization and each employee. It’s also an easy way to ensure the company is investing in the right people at the right time. Tracking employee goals and growth:

  • Allows employers to understand employees’ long-term goals.
  • Increases employee satisfaction and employee engagement in performance management.
  • Increases employee retention over the medium to long term.

Employee retention is a two way street- the organization needs to invest in the employees’ long term success the same way employees come to work every day, perform well and drive the company to the next level. Tracking goals and growth ensures that both sides of that unwritten agreement stay in place.

3. Create a positive work environment with gift card rewards

No one wants to come to work every day and be in a negative environment with antagonistic personalities. An engaged, motivated workforce has higher employee productivity and creates a positive company culture. Using gift cards to reward employees only adds to the positive, motivating environment. Using rewards regularly, even if they are small ‘on-the-spot’ rewards:

  • Serve as an employee motivator.
  • Increase employee satisfaction and day-to-day happiness.
  • Give employees a sense of belonging and community, especially when peers can reward each other.

Not sure where to start when building an employee rewards infrastructure?

The Engage2Reward Choice Card is a great option, allowing recipients to select from 250+ eGift cards brands when they redeem their reward online

Some of the advantages of using the Engage2Reward Choice Card include:

  • Flexibility: Allows employees to choose which brands they want to shop.
  • Customization: Add a message, animated greeting card, or a photo specific to the employee.
  • No system integration needed.
Employee rewards are a natural way to increase performance and productivity in the new year. Try the Engage2Reward Choice Card today.

E2R Rewards Choice Card_v1

4. Encourage continuous learning

Career growth is about continuously learning new skills, so encouraging employees to keep learning in their roles or about other functions within your organization keeps employees motivated to succeed. Continuous learning:

  • Allows employees to reach goals faster.
  • Improves the internal talent pool and ability to groom new leadership from within.

Lowers the cost of replacing unhappy employees who depart the company.

Continuous learning exemplifies a commitment to employee professional development and a long-term commitment to the employees success. When that is paired with shared organizational goals, it’s a win-win for employer and employee alike.

5. Get ahead of performance issues

Getting ahead of performance issues within your workforce is key to allowing underperforming employees to improve and achieve at a high level. While it may not necessarily be a way to maintain high performance,  approaching performances issues before they start can:

  • Maintain employee motivation and engagement for the under-performers and your higher performing employees.
  • Prove to all employees you’re willing to invest in them.
  • Save money on employee churn and recruitment and replacement costs.

Anticipating and addressing performance issues before they put organizational goals or an individual’s job at risk allows for stability and continuity across your organization. 

Get your employee performance off on the right foot with the Engage2Reward™ Choice Card now!

With our Engage2Reward™ Gift Card Ordering Portal, not only are you providing employees with flexible rewards to fit their lifestyle, but you're protecting your investment with best-in-class gift card security features like a two factor security option and a direct integration with your organization’s single sign-on service. Engage2Reward also provides fast and easy ordering with digital delivery that fits any budget.


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Topics: Employee Performance, Employee Engagement, Professional Development

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