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Prioritizing Employee Health: Empower Your Team with Wellness-Focused Gift Cards

In today's fast-paced world, promoting employee wellness has become a top priority for organizations. A healthy workforce not only improves productivity but also reduces healthcare costs and fosters a positive work environment. One effective way to enhance your wellness initiatives and empower your employees to prioritize health is by utilizing CVS Select® gift cards. These gift cards provide a unique opportunity to support your employees' well-being by offering them a wide range of health-related products and services. In this blog, we will explore different ways the CVS Select gift card can help enhance your wellness initiatives and promote a culture of well-being within your organization.

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Top 5 Ways To Improve Employee Health in 2023

According to the CDC, it's estimated that chronic diseases cost healthcare providers and employers $36.4 billion dollars per year. As these costs skyrocket, employers are starting to ask themselves how they can better support employee health in the new year. From fostering work-life balance to rewarding employees for adopting healthy habits, we've outlined the top 5 ways employers can help improve employees' overall health.

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How to Keep Employees Healthy Over the Winter Months

Winter is here, which means seasonal illnesses will begin to surface. For employers, keeping healthy employees is paramount to reduce absenteeism and keep healthcare costs down. When employees call in sick, it can be very costly due to reduced productivity and increased employer healthcare costs. Especially this year, with the ever-present threat of COVID-19, staying healthy and putting preventative practices in place is vital to avoiding illness.

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Ensure You Have the Healthcare Essentials You Need During the COVID-19 Pandemic

In the rapidly evolving circumstances surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic, it’s important to have the latest information regarding the coronavirus and how to limit its spread.

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3 Easy Ways to Promote Employee Health During Flu Season

As the weather gets colder and the days get shorter, flu season looms. You see flu shot signs as you drive by local pharmacies and employers start to put a plan together to prevent flu from decreasing productivity in the office and crippling the workforce.

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