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Flu Vaccine Gift Cards for Medicare & Medicaid Members

We’re on the precipice of what is being called a “twindemic,” the possibility that we’ll be managing both the spread of influenza and a new wave of SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19. Such a scenario has the potential to put patients at higher risk for infection, as well as put hospitals at risk for becoming overwhelmed.

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Avoid A Twindemic—Prepare Your Employees for Flu Season with Gift Card Incentives

While there's no vaccine for COVID-19, there is one for influenza. With the possibility of a new surge of COVID-19 in the fall and winter, health experts and officials are encouraging early flu shots to avoid what has been dubbed a "twindemic"—a severe flu season combined with a new wave of COVID-19.

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3 Easy Ways to Promote Employee Health During Flu Season

As the weather gets colder and the days get shorter, flu season looms. You see flu shot signs as you drive by local pharmacies and employers start to put a plan together to prevent flu from decreasing productivity in the office and crippling the workforce.

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How To Promote Employee Engagement And Reduce Sick Leave

Sick leave drastically affects all businesses, with the flu alone claiming $7 billion in productivity losses, according to the CDC.

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4 Ways to Boost Employee Productivity This Fall

Kids have gone back to school, fall is settling in and it’s time to encourage employees through the last quarter of the year. Keeping employee morale and employee productivity up during this part of the year is important, and the easiest way to do that is to keep them healthy and support health and wellness. Here are our top 4 picks for keeping employee productivity at an annual high this fall: 

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