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Boosting Medicare Member Engagement with Gift Cards: A Winning Strategy

What if there was a powerful tool that could significantly enhance Medicare member participation and satisfaction? The 14th Medicare Star Ratings, HEDIS®, Quality & Risk event emphasizes the critical role of both member and provider engagement. This article explores the power of gift cards as incentives to boost Medicare member engagement, providing practical solutions and real-world examples to illustrate their effectiveness. 

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4 Technologies That Increase Member Engagement for Health Plan Providers

Health plans are constantly looking for ways to engage members in managing their own health. Health plans benefit from member engagement by recognizing lower costs for their business and for the participating members. Enhancing member engagement through technology is an easy and accessible way to boost engagement without changing member behavior significantly. Below are 4 specific technologies that increase member engagement. Read on to learn more about the impact mobile apps, wearable technology, telehealth options and the Engage2Reward™ gift card ordering platform can have on your membership engagement efforts.

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Free Guide: How to Improve Medicaid Vaccination Rates

As of January 2022 62.8% of eligible Americans have been fully vaccinated against COVID-19. This milestone is significant and essential to help protect the nation’s health. Unfortunately, studies show that vaccination rates for the low-income Medicaid population are lower than that of the general population.

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Using Incentives for Chronic Disease Management in Medicaid and Medicare Members

It is important for program administrators, healthcare providers, and personal caregivers to take vested interest in proactive care towards Medicare and Medicaid members with chronic diseases. Keeping members healthy is beneficial for the entire care team, preventing health complications for members can reduce costly hospital visits for both the member and the program’s payors and providers. 

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5 Ways to Solve Poor Medicare Member Engagement

Continually improving member engagement, care, and health outcomes are vital for the success of healthcare providers’ programs. Engaged members lead to reduced hospitalizations, readmissions, and improved Star Ratings. When members do not utilize plan benefits, miss appointments, and are unengaged, Star Ratings plummet resulting in a direct impact on the funding providers are able to receive. Low Star Ratings can also cause members to switch to higher star-scored healthcare plans.

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