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Companies on the Cutting Edge – Top 10 Ways to Recognize, Motivate Your Telecommuters

Telecommuting; the term was coined in back in 1973, but it took recent cloud computing technologies for many employers to jump on board telecommuting wagon.
GiftCard Partners (GCP) has an entirely remote workforce, so we understand the benefits to our employer, to ourselves as the employees and the Earth. Companies like
GCP are making a difference in society with a very small carbon footprint and in work life balance by offering telecommuting as an option. But with a remote workforce, how can you be sure that recognition and motivation for your telecommuting workforce isn’t lost?

Social networking, instant messaging, cloud computing CRM, high bandwidth home connections for fast email, and Skype are GCP’s main business tools and they are the reasons why telecommuting is working for so many companies. Incentive columnist Roy Saunderson introduces us to Shama Kabani, President of an entirely telecommuting digital media marketing agency the Marketing Zen Group with 27 full-time virtual employees around the world. Sharma stresses that for remote workers, out of “site” should never mean out of mind. Below are her top 10 tips for how to recognize your remote workers and keep them motivated.

1. Weekly recognition

2. Monthly face-to-face sessions

3. Team-build face-to-face and virtually

4. Daily updates via Skype

5. Birthday celebrations

6. “Attaboy” all the way, keep praise for their work on-going

7. Handwritten thank-you notes

8. Know the cultures of your workers

9. Know what holidays your employees celebrate

10. Plan regular telephone calls

There’s lots more detail to be had on this topic, take a look at the whole column here:
Top 10 Ways to Recognize, Motivate Your Telecommuters Incentive columnist Roy Saunderson is author of Giving the Recognition Way and president of the Recognition Management Institute,

Topics: Employee Recognition, Employee Engagement, General Gift Card, Employee Incentives & Rewards, Work from Home

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