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5 Holiday Marketing Tips

Posted, by Deborah Merkin
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Retail competition definitely intensifies during the holiday season, so it is important to make sure your business' holiday strategy stands out.  Here are 5 quick tips from "Practical Ecommerce" to keep your strategy fresh this year.

  1. Start Campaigns Now- don't wait until after Thanksgiving, the holiday shopping season is already half over at that point
  2. Advertise and sell on Amazon- if you don't advertise and sell your products on Amazon someone else will
  3. Offer Gift Cards- a favorite of both givers and receivers, due to their low-risk nature
  4. Use Video- it is all about how you engage your consumer, and what is more engaging than using video to attract them?
  5. Add a 'Gift Ideas' landing page- get on your consumer's thought path and it will make it easy for them to see why they need to buy your product

How are you going to spice up your strategy this holiday season? Let us know and leave us a comment.  
For more information from "Practical Ecommerce" click here

Topics: B2B Gift Cards, Retailers & Merchants, Marketing, General Gift Card, Employee Incentives & Rewards

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