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Is your Health and Wellness program up to date?

Posted, by Deborah Merkin
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Some interesting findings from our neighbors to the north. Striking data about the discrepancy between where companies see their health and wellness initiatives at the present versus where they think this programming needs to be to have a real effect on their company's bottom line. Do the following 3 areas apply to your health and wellness program? 1. While employers are articulate about what they want to accomplish with health and wellness programs...

    • 75%—healthy workplace culture;
    • 54%—cost reductions;
    • 54%—improved productivity/performance;
    • 51%—higher employee engagement;
    • 49%—better health status of workforce; and
    • 15%—assistance with recruitment and retention.

...almost one third of employers did not know which risk/disease categories were driving their health care costs. Ensuring that all available data is used to craft an effective employer health and wellness program that will have measurable results on the company's bottom line health care costs. 2. The majority of health and wellness programs focus on education and awareness, when activity based programs that focus on improved health practices and reduced costs are more effective. Changing employee behavior and rewarding health habits through small denomination gift cards and other rewards can help achieve the desired behavior.  The will also have lasting impressions on employees and employers' costs. 3. Integrating measurable goals and objectives for health and wellness programs with traditional elements such as HRA's and awareness and education elements is a key to success. 87% of employers think that health and wellness programs must take an integrated approach to lowering costs, while only 15% feel that their programs are integrated. Taking this next step in integration is key to moving health and wellness programming forward in a climate of sky-rocketing health care costs.
For more information check out the BenefitsCanada article.      

Topics: Gift Card Incentives & Rewards, Workplace Health & Wellness, General Health & Wellness, Employee Engagement, General Gift Card

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