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Giving Credit Only When it is Due

Posted, by Deborah Merkin
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Rewarding employees for desired behavior is essential to keeping employees engaged and happy at work. When to reward employees and for what is important, so rewards remain a special occurrence and not something that can be achieved easily or often. Maintaining trophy value, even for small rewards like a small denomination gift card, is what makes rewards programs work. Here are some occurrences of when employees should be rewarded.
Give credit where credit is due: Giving credit based on performance, rather than status or power is important. This keeps employees engaged and maintains the possibility of upward mobility within their organization.

Credit team members for crediting one another: Acknowledging peer accomplishments is important both for the obvious positive reinforcement but also for rewarding employees for acknowledging other’s performance incentivizes peer leaders and motivates them to continue that behavior.
Avoid the temptation to blame: Ensuring that your team reacts well and maintains solidarity in a crisis is important, and should be rewarded.

For more information on rewarding employees appropriately check out this Harvard Business Review article.

Topics: Gift Card Incentives & Rewards, Gift Cards, General Gift Card, Employee Incentives & Rewards

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