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Engage Effectively by Knowing What Your Employees Want

Posted, by Deborah Merkin
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In order to effectively use an employee rewards program you have to know what will drive your employees. Knowing what is most important to your workforce is critical in motivating them to reach their maximum potential. Here are a few key factors that could drive your employees. Find out what matters most to them, and plan your employee engagement and recognition accordingly.

Money (but not just money). Compensation is a primary driver in an professional setting. However, respect, recognition, professional development, and other alternate forms of compensation can be equally important to employees.

Teamwork. When decision making, include everyone who will be affected by it. Do not exclude employees from group decision making if the outcome affects them directly. This helps build a team atmosphere and makes employees at all levels feel included. • 
Recognition. Thank employees for their efforts, time, and energy. Even small tokens of recognition such as a gift card to
Boston Market for a family dinner out or a free lunch at 
SUBWAY can go a long way in showing an employee that you care and take notice of all they do for the organization.

Success. Whether it is individual or organizational, share it and celebrate it. Make sure everyone knows when a team member has achieved a goal or reached a particular point of success. It not only recognizes that individual's work, but it motivates others to aspire to that same desired behavior.
For more information check out this article on managing better from Ragan's HR Communication.

Topics: Employee Recognition, Gift Card Incentives & Rewards, Gift Card Trends, Rewards & Loyalty, Business Success, General Gift Card, Employee Incentives & Rewards

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