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Employee Retention, Turnover Rate Hinge On Respect

Posted, by Deborah Merkin
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Companies are constantly striving to retain their best employees, but problems can arise if they’re not shown a modicum of respect by management. If hard-working employees are shown appreciation by their managers and team leaders, they’ll feel less compelled to find a new job. This will also help to keep employee turnover rates down.

Here are three ways you can maintain retention rates by ensuring your managers are respectful and supportive of their teams: 

Want To Be Wanted

The feeling of being wanted goes not only for employees but their employers as well. Organizations function best when turnover rates are low. Employees do their best when they feel needed within an organization.

Studies show around 70 percent of employees are in some state of disengagement at work as this erosion of employee retention starts with not feeling integral to the team.

We can turn to something as basic as Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, where we find esteem among our top five basic needs. We need to feel included and noticed, at work by both our peers and managers to feel included on a human level. When that fades, so does an employee’s engagement at work.

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Employees Do Their Best For People They Like

Employees leave people, not companies. If you’re a manager who challenges your team to be its best, they will keep striving to be better and working hard for you. If you’re stagnant and a “what have you done for me lately”-type, your people will become complacent and selfish in return. 

According to research firms such as Towers Watson, Dale Carnegie and Gallup, 60-to-70 percent of employees aren’t working to their full potential. It may be due to the fact that their managers aren’t pushing them hard enough. This doesn’t mean that they exist in a grueling work environment, but it does mean that you push your people to be their best.

When they stagnate, as a manager you find ways to expand or deepen their role, so they continue to feel that esteem needed to be fulfilled. Otherwise, the employee retention rate will take a hit.

Morale Killers Are Business Problems

When morale is low for an organization or a team, it can run rampant. Once morale dips, it’s difficult to bring it back up and compensate for employees’ memories from that period of time.

If a manager is a motivator and respects his or her people, it’s much harder for poor morale to fester. If you’re looking for a motivated, productive team, make sure to show them how much you appreciate their work and you should see a return for your efforts.

Related: The Return On Employee Recognition

Respect can be a powerful motivator, a morale booster and a reason for employees to stay with a company for a longer period of time. If you value and reward your people in different ways, such as buying them a gift card or offering additional paid time off, and your employee retention rate will reflect this.

Topics: Employee Engagement, Employee Retention

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