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Help Your Employees Realize Their Dreams...It will Pay Off in the End

Posted, by Deborah Merkin
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Helping employees realize their dreams and achieve personal goals will help your organization form a meaningful relationship with its employees. Employees want to feel support from their employers, and helping employees accomplish career goals and professional dreams will make them more loyal to your organization and more dedicated to your cause. Keep these 4 tips in mind when assessing how to motivate and support your employees:

Start with Yourself: Identify your own dreams and goals, this will help you relate to the aspirations of your employees.

Find out what your employees want from life: Sit down with employees, whether in formal meetings or over a casual lunch and find out what they want from life, and from their job.

Call everyone on your team together for a dream meeting: Hearing peers talk about their dreams raises the level of inspiration, seeing management engage in these types of meetings shows support and dedication to employees.

Follow up: Help employees accomplish their goals, whether one at a time, or by slowly helping all employees reach their dreams. Along the way provide rewards for a job well done. A meal at a family restaurant like The Cheesecake Factory, a family shopping spree to Burlington Coat Factory, or a weekly grocery shopping trip to Albertsons funded by the employer will only help motivate and dedicate employees to your organization.

Loyal employees will stay around longer, work harder, and work more effectively for your company, investment in your workforce will return exponentially in organizational success. For more information check out this article from FastCompany.

Topics: Employee Recognition, Rewards & Loyalty, Employee Engagement, General Gift Card, Employee Incentives & Rewards

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