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Promote Health in Your Office

Posted, by Deborah Merkin
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We are increasingly seeing companies adopt health and wellness programs as a way to manage staggering health care costs. These programs promote healthy behavior, which can reduce the employers health cost per employee. According to one study, lifestyle related illnesses account for 80% of all employer health care costs. Health and wellness programs help companies of all sizes save money, from small start-ups to large corporations. Johnson and Johnson recently stated that their health and wellness program has saved the company more than $250 million in health care costs over the last 10 years. The impact is measurable across a large variety of organizations. Skeptical Employees? As more companies begin to adopt this practice employers are looking at how much these programs affect their bottom line, and how best to affect their employees' behaviors. While many employees can be quick to adopt programs offerings, others feel as though it is a violation of their personal life in the workplace. These individuals often adopt the practice with the incorporation of Health and Wellness rewards. Carrot rewards, that offer incentives for desired behavior, such as meeting a health goal or quitting smoking are proven to be the most effective method of implementing health and wellness rewards. Small incentives such as gift cards to retailers that promote healthy living such as 
GNC and 
Nutrisystem can help guide employees and make a tangible contribution to their effort to live a healthier life. The more dedicated to health your employees are, the lower your costs, and the larger your bottom line.

Topics: Gift Card Trends, Workplace Health & Wellness, General Health & Wellness, Employee Incentives & Rewards

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