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Employee Appreciation Goes A Long Way

Posted, by Deborah Merkin
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Everyone wants to feel appreciated at their jobs. We all work hard and it validates our hard work when our boss, or the head of our department, recognizes our efforts.

A new study out by Globoforce Research entitled "The Growing Influence of Employee Recognition,” indicated that 78% of employees would work harder and more efficiently if their work was appreciated by management. The study also found that 81% of employees claimed recognition of hard work from management made them more satisfied with their current position at their company.

These numbers speak for themselves and from an HR and management perspective employee appreciation pays for itself. Investing in employees leads to greater workplace efficiency, higher retention rates and job satisfaction, and happier employees.

Employee appreciation can take many forms, including gift cards to major retailers such as  AutoZone and The Limited, as well as extra paid time off, or special employee privileges. Showing employees you appreciate their extra effort and commitment to the organization can go a long way. More efficiency, less turnover, and happier employees all affect an organizations bottom line. Make the effort to show employee appreciation and take note of the greater organizational impact.

For more information on employee appreciation check out this article from TalentManagement.com.

Topics: Employee Recognition, Gift Card Incentives & Rewards, Employee Appreciation, General Gift Card, Employee Incentives & Rewards

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